Additional Details

Martin Fromme is 38 years old and lives with his family in Bochum/ North Rhein Westfalen, Germany. His occupation is a high precision mechanic and has worked for a mechanism company for the last 15 years. Martin has built other models including cars, boats, star ships and two other Pal design Time Machines. Martin is a long time fan of the Time Machine, the first model he built was 25 years ago and currently is owned by a friend of his. His largest 'model' is a fully restored 80's Ford Capri.

Martin has many hobbies but the 2002 Time Machine was a real challenge for him and he takes great pride in that he constructed the model himself. The construction period is where Martin gets the most enjoyment. He said that his first presentaion of the machine to his friends was very interesting. I have no doubt of that.

Closeup of above photo. Here you can see that pulling on the brake lever will rotate a bevel gear and activate two micro switches which Martin says activates the counters.


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The Time Machine Project © 1998 Don Coleman
Web Site © 1999 Don Coleman
Web site created by Don Coleman
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